NEIT GMW Department: Wayfinding Solutions


Neographic Media was challenged with developing wayfinding cues for first-time New England Tech (NEIT) visitors in search of the Graphics, Multimedia, and Web Design (GMW) Suite.


The first step to creating effective wayfinding cues is identifying waypoints that may be confusing for possible personas. An in-depth analysis of the path from the visitor parking lot to the GMW Suite revealed the following areas as possible deterrents from the desired destination: the main lobby, staircase landing, and Two North hallway.

Main Lobby
2nd Floor Staircase Landing
Two North Hallway


A kiosk in the main lobby was the most practical solution to serve visitors in finding their way around without confusion. This particular node would include a list of all departments to serve not just GMW visitors, but visitors of other departments as well. An oversimplified use case of the kiosk’s function is visitors will enter the lobby from their designated parking lot and see the kiosk, use the kiosk to navigate their path, and then proceed to their destination.

Mock-up of kiosk design for GMW Suite

User-centered design was a priority when designing this kiosk. Departments are clearly labeled in a sidebar on the left of the screen. When a visitor selects the desired department, a map will appear to the right, where users can zoom in and out, and look around the space. Text will appear over the map to inform users of the map’s features. The text will dissolve once users perform the function, providing an unobstructed view of the map.

Close-up of kiosk design – equipped with a menu; clear labels, pictograms, & instructions; highlights selection; map of the selected department; and NEIT branding

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